Methods and Procedures:
TIMSS 2019 Technical Report
Methods and Procedures in TIMSS 2019
The chapters in this online volume comprise the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center's technical report of the methods and procedures used to develop, implement, and report the results of TIMSS 2019. There were various technical challenges because TIMSS 2019 was the initial phase of the transition to eTIMSS, with approximately half the countries administering the assessment via computer and the remaining countries still using the paper-and-pencil format. Thus, the TIMSS 2019 assessments and questionnaires were developed and administered in both "e" and paper formats. Then, a multi-faceted approach to the achievement scaling enabled reporting comparable trends for both sets of countries on the TIMSS scales. The success of TIMSS 2019 is a tribute to all those involved, including the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, IEA Amsterdam, IEA Hamburg, Statistics Canada, and the National Research Coordinators and their teams in the participating countries.
Download the full Methods and Procedures: TIMSS 2019 Technical Report
Assessment Development
- Chapter 1: Developing the TIMSS 2019 Mathematics and Science Achievement Instruments
- Chapter 2: Updating the TIMSS 2019 Instruments for Describing the Contexts for Student Learning
- Chapter 3: Sample Design for TIMSS 2019
- Chapter 4: eAssessment System for TIMSS 2019
- Chapter 5: Instrument Translation and Layout Verification for TIMSS 2019
- Chapter 6: Survey Operations Procedures for TIMSS 2019
- Chapter 7: International Quality Assurance Program for TIMSS 2019
- Chapter 8: Creating the TIMSS 2019 International Database
- Chapter 9: Sample Implementation in TIMSS 2019
- Chapter 10: Reviewing the TIMSS 2019 Achievement Item Statistics
- Chapter 11: TIMSS 2019 Scaling Methodology: Item Response Theory, Population Models, and Linking Across Modes
- Chapter 12: Implementing the TIMSS 2019 Scaling Methodology
- Chapter 13: Examining eTIMSS Country Differences Between eTIMSS Data and Bridge Data: A Look at Country-Level Mode of Administration Effects
- Chapter 14: Estimating Standard Errors in the TIMSS 2019 Results
- Chapter 15: Using Scale Anchoring to Interpret the TIMSS 2019 Achievement Scales
- Chapter 16: Creating and Interpreting the TIMSS 2019 Context Questionnaire Scales
- Chapter 17: Scaling and Reporting the TIMSS 2019 Problem Solving and Inquiry (PSI) Data
- Chapter 18: Constructing the TIMSS 2019 Environmental Awareness Scales