Use and Impact of PIRLS

Sweden has participated in PIRLS since it began in 2001. Together with other international studies, PIRLS continues to be a great source of information for the National Agency of Education in its continuing work with school development, as well as for public policymakers and the general debate about school issues.

PIRLS and other international studies have had an impact on the extensive new school reforms that were implemented in Sweden in 2011. The national tests that were introduced in Grade 3 in 2009 and Grade 6 in 2012 were inspired by PIRLS. The declining results in reading literacy were the main reason for appointing a reading committee in 2016 to analyze and follow up on development in reading literacy, coordinate initiatives, and present suggestions for continued work with reading promotion. As the results from PIRLS 2011 confirmed the declining trend in reading literacy, initiatives with the aim of strengthening these skills among Swedish students have taken place and additional focus has been put on teachers’ skills and knowledge.