Monitoring Student Progress in Reading

Sweden has a system of national tests, diagnostic materials, assessment support materials, and written reports with individual development plans and grades that are used to follow up and assess students in compulsory school. The two main purposes of the national tests designed by the National Agency for Education are to provide support for teachers in monitoring and assessing student progress according to the curriculum and syllabus in a fair and equal way, and to provide a tool to follow up and analyze education in schools and municipalities and at the national level. The tests also help teachers concretize the curriculum and syllabus. National tests are provided in Grade 3 (in the subjects of Swedish or Swedish as a second language and mathematics), in Grade 6 (in the subjects of Swedish or Swedish as a second language, mathematics, and English) and in Grade 9 (mandatory in the subjects of Swedish or Swedish as a second language, mathematics, English, and either biology, physics, or chemistry and either history, geography, religion, or social science). Grades are awarded from Grade 6 of compulsory school using a scale of five passing grades (A, B, C, D, and E) and one failing grade (F). The grade should express the extent to which students have met the knowledge requirements stated for each subject and course. At least once a term the teacher, student, and parent(s)/guardian(s) meet to discuss the student’s progress and how learning can be stimulated and supported.17