Suggested Readings

Howie, S.J. High-stakes testing in South Africa: Friend or Foe? (2014). In T. Eggen and G. Stobart (Eds.), High-stakes testing in education: Value, fairness and consequences. London, England: Routledge.

Scherman, V., Bosker, R., & Howie, S.J (Eds.). (2016). Monitoring the quality of education in schools. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Van Staden, S., & Howie, S.J. (2014). Reflections on Creemers’ comprehensive model of educational effectiveness for reading literacy: South African Evidence from PIRLS 2006. Perspectives in Education, 32 (3), 172–192.

Zimmerman, S.J., & Howie, S.J. (2016). Reflecting on reading instruction resource materials from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study at grade 4 in South Africa: Moving from a discourse of access to management and utilisation. Pretoria, South Africa: Musaion