Students with Reading Difficulties

Diagnostic Testing

In Lithuania, there is no systematic assessment of children to identify language development problems. General assessment responsibilities are assigned to teachers. Several diagnostic measures help to identify students with special learning needs or reading difficulties (e.g., having major problems in reading techniques or comprehension). Special print and computer-based materials are offered to students whose overall level of understanding and ability is considerably below average, but these materials are not specifically related to reading problems. Nonobligatory diagnostic testing has been used in Grade 2 for reading comprehension since 2016.

Instruction for Children with Reading Difficulties

Unfortunately, a lack of special attention is paid to students’ reading difficulties in Lithuania. If students cannot cope with teaching requirements and achieve low results, the School Special Needs Education Commission recommends that their parents apply for further assessment by a specialist at the local pedagogical-psychological services, available in most municipalities. After further assessment and an evaluation period, these specialists recommend special assistance, education plans, and/or modified curricula that support students’ individual learning processes.

The Lithuanian Educational Centre for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Lithuanian Training Centre for the Blind and Visually Impaired carry out students’ special education needs assessments. The Child Welfare Commission appoints educational assistance, while pedagogical-psychological services designate special education provision.