Use and Impact of PIRLS

In 2011, Dubai’s public and private schools participated in PIRLS for the first time as a benchmarking participant. While Dubai’s overall average reading score (476) was below the scale centerpoint (500), it was higher than that of participating countries in the region. Grade 4 students in United Kingdom and International Baccalaureate curriculum schools were the highest achievers in reading, with results significantly above the international average. Students in Indian and Philippine curriculum schools also achieved higher results than students in public and private Ministry of Education, US, and Pakistani curriculum schools.

Reading for informational purposes was the stronger domain, while reading for literary purposes served as the greater challenge for students across Dubai. In all schools except Indian and International Baccalaureate curriculum schools, females outperformed their male counterparts in reading. Students in Pakistani curriculum and public and private Ministry of Education schools scored significantly below students in other schools.

The positive use of PIRLS data and other international assessments by schools to support student achievement and enhance teaching and learning is encouraged by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority and monitored through its annual inspection of schools. Dubai is committed to continuing to improve schools and to working together with the community to enable a better future for all citizens, and to achieve the individual and national goals outlined in UAE Vision 2021.15