Overview of Education System

Austria is a federal parliamentary republic consisting of nine provinces (Bundesländer), each with its own provincial government. Responsibility for legislation and its implementation is divided between the federation (Bund) and the provinces.

The Austrian education system is hierarchically organized, centralized, and selective at an early stage. The Federal Ministry of Education is responsible for primary and secondary education as well as for the University Colleges of Teacher Education (Pädagogische Hochschulen). Its supervisory responsibilities include all areas of school management, the organization of school instruction in public and private schools, and remuneration and retirement of teachers employed by the Federal Ministry. However, the Federal Ministry of Science, Research, and Economy is responsible for universities, including universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen).

Austriaʼs nine provinces have legislative responsibility for providing kindergarten and public sector compulsory education. They support local communities in establishing and maintaining these schools via the school construction funds they administer. Each province has provincial school inspectors who are assisted by school inspectors for compulsory schools and subject inspectors for upper secondary schools.

Preprimary education is available to children up to age 6 via crèches, kindergartens, and private childcare givers. Since 2010, one year of kindergarten has been compulsory for all children age 5 before they start attending primary school in Volksschule at age 6. Education is compulsory for nine years (Grades 1 to 9). Volksschule encompasses Grades 1 to 4 for students ages 6 to 10.c Parents of children whose sixth birthday falls before March 1 in the following calendar year may request earlier admission, provided that the child is mature enough and has the required social competence for attending school. Six-year-old children considered insufficiently mature to attend school must attend preschool. Primary school comprises primary level I (Grades 1 and 2, plus preschool stage where required) and primary level II (Grades 3 and 4).

At the lower secondary level (Grades 5 to 8), students ages 10 to 14 can apply for entry to a lower level academic secondary school (Allgemein bildende höhere Schule—Unterstufe) or a new secondary school (Neue Mittelschule). Austria has reformed lower secondary education (UNESCOʼs ISCED Level 2) to reduce the effects of streaming students into different educational tracks too early.2

The Austrian government introduced the new secondary school scheme as a pilot project in the 2008–2009 school year; Parliament passed the legislation in 2012. By the 2018–2019 school year, all general secondary schools (Hauptschulen) will have been transformed into new secondary schools.3 A central feature of the new secondary school curriculum is the broad implementation of a new learning culture based on individualization and inner differentiation.

The upper secondary level (Grades 9 to 13) comprises a general education branch and a vocational branch.

General upper secondary education includes:

  • Prevocational school (Year 9)
  • Upper level of academic secondary school or AHS-Oberstufe (Grades 9 to 12)
  • The matriculation examination—Passing the examination allows students to take up studies at universities or other higher education institutions

Vocational upper secondary education includes:

  • Part time vocational school—Taken in tandem with company-based vocational training (Grades 10 to 13, but usually grades 10 to 12)
  • Secondary technical and vocational schools (Grades 9 to 12 at the latest)
  • Colleges for higher vocational education (Years 9 to 13, ISCED Levels 3 to 5)

Colleges for higher vocational education, kindergarten teacher training colleges, and lead to the matriculation and diploma examination, which enables students to take up studies at universities or other higher education institutions.

Higher education institutions include:

  • Public universities
  • Universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen)
  • Private universities
  • University Colleges of Teacher Education (Pädagogische Hochschulen)
  • c Normally, children attend Volksschule from Grades 1 to 4. However, there are a few school locations where Volksschule also includes upper primary Grades 5 to 8.