Monitoring Student Progress in Mathematics and Science

Florida’s accountability system is governed by Florida Statute 1008, Assessment and Accountability. Key components of this system include a school grading system that assigns letter grades (A to F) to each public school, based primarily on student performance, and the following:

  • Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) in English Language Arts and Mathematics
  • Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) in Science
  • FSA End of Course assessments (EOCs) in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry
  • NGSSS EOC in Biology

District school boards are required to establish a comprehensive plan for student progression from one grade to another based on student mastery of the English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies standards. No student may be assigned to a grade level based solely on age or other factors that constitute social promotion. To be promoted to Grade 4, students must score a Level 2 or higher on the Grade 3 FSA English Language Arts (ELA) assessment. Students may be retained if they fail to meet this requirement. However, other options, such as presenting a suitable portfolio, may be used to justify promotion in the absence of an adequate score on the Grade 3 FSA ELA assessment.

District school boards must publish annually on the district website and provide to local members of the media the following information:

  • By grade, the number and percentage of all students in Grades 3 to 10 performing at Levels 1 and 2 on the FSA English Language Arts assessment
  • By grade, the number and percentage of all students retained in Kindergarten to Grade 10
  • Any revisions to the district school board’s policies and procedures on student retention and promotion from the previous year

Florida public schools typically issue grade reports every six weeks for students in Kindergarten to Grade 5 and every nine weeks for students in Grades 6 to 12. Semester grades and yearly grades also are given in many districts. Florida statutes include requirements for middle grades promotion (from Grade 8 to Grade 9) and high school graduation. The latter include a minimum grade point average (GPA) as well as a minimum number of credits (including some specific course credits).10 High school transcripts that show courses taken and grades earned are used to establish whether students have met the state’s graduation requirements. Transcripts also are used in college entrance applications as a record of academic performance.

The Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) for mathematics is developed at the state level with the involvement of Florida educators serving on item review committees and administered to all students in Grades 3 to 8. The Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 FSA End of Course (EOC) examinations were administered for the first time in the 2014–2015 academic year. For science, the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) Assessment is administered to students in Grades 5 and 8. The NGSSS Biology 1 EOC examination was administered in 2011–2012, for the first time.

Middle grades students may not participate in both the FSA mathematics and an FSA EOC mathematics assessment or the NGSSS science and an NGSSS EOC science assessment. In accordance with Section 1008.22(3)(b)1, Florida Statutes, “Middle grades students enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry, or Biology 1 must take the statewide, standardized EOC assessment for those courses and shall not take the corresponding subject and grade level statewide, standardized assessment.”

Florida students enrolled in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Advanced International Certification of Education programs also participate in tests associated with these programs. In addition, all Florida students have the opportunity to take the Preliminary SAT or the Preliminary ACT during high school.