Reading Instruction in the Primary Grades

Instructional Materials

Students use a variety of print and electronic resources while learning Arabic. These include textbooks and supplemental reading materials for enrichment. Most new Arabic language textbooks have an intensive focus on reading standards.

Use of Technology

Students in the UAE use online resources throughout their education. During Grade 4, students use the website of the Ministry of Education for additional training on released PIRLS test items. This package, supported both in Arabic and English, includes an overview of PIRLS and sample answers to assessment questions.

Role of Reading Specialists

The School Operations Directorateʼs support team members fulfill the role of reading specialists with a focus on meeting reading standards.

Second Language Instruction

A special curriculum is available for students who do not speak Arabic as their first language.

Accommodation Policies for Instruction and Testing

Special needs students in Grade 4 are merged in regular classes with other students. Special facilities are offered if called for in a studentʼs Individual Educational Plan. Some special needs students are given extra time during tests, and others are given tests adapted to suit their needs. Some students are provided with special equipment like glasses and earpieces. In addition, there is a special needs teacher in class to help such students in Grades 1 through 3. When a child with autism can take tests in only one language, tests are adapted in the format of that language.