Monitoring Student Progress in Reading

The Evaluation Department is responsible for designing, implementing, and annually administering the Qatar Comprehensive Educational Assessment (QCEA) to students in independent schools in Qatar. The results of this assessment are published by the School Evaluation Office of the Evaluation Department in the form of a report card. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education posts these reports on its website for easy access by school staff, parents, students, and other interested parties.6 Test results for individual students are not released publicly.

Another assessment is designed and implemented by schools, and the results of these assessments are sent to parents at the end of each semester as a report card with their children’s oral and written examination scores in every subject. Teachers in Grades 1 and 2 primarily use verbal assessments, while the upper grades use verbal and written assessments along with homework grades. These reports are intended to keep parents up to date on their children’s progress. Parents may choose to enroll their children in enrichment lessons if their performance levels do not meet expectations.

Following the dissemination of results, parents and class teachers receive student scores in relation to performance benchmark levels set by experts and teachers through a performance level-setting workshop. Student performance is categorized into three levels: Meets Standard, Approaches Standard, and Below Standard.7