Reading Instruction in the Primary Grades

Instructional Materials

One effective approach for improving the quality of textbooks and teaching materials was forming authoring teams by including the best teachers and experts from the International Materials Development Association.

New approaches to expert evaluation of educational literature have been established. A multilevel expertise system was adopted: internal expertise in publishing offices, and scientific and pedagogical expertise at the National Academic and Research Center for textbooks. The Ministry of Education and science approves an annual list of course materials to be used in the educational process.

In addition, teachers may select books and materials depending on their professional preferences, abilities and interests of their students, and parental opinion.

Textbooks, educational literature, educational and methodical kits, and handbooks for educational organizations are tailored to educational training programs and the age and psychological characteristics of students.

Local executive bodies of the cities of Astana and Almaty make the purchase of textbooks based on the choice of educational organizations.

Use of Technology

The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in education is a key principle of the national education system. In recent years, the provision of computers, software, interactive boards, and Internet access in schools has improved significantly. Access to broadband Internet is provided in 76 percent of schools in Kazakhstan. On average, there is 1 computer per 15 students for instructional use. Approximately 73 percent of schools are equipped with interactive boards.

The use of ICT in literature lessons enhances the creative potential of the personality, stimulating the attention of students and forming vigilance in spelling.

In 2011, Kazakhstan launched an e-learning project aiming to provide equal access to the best educational resources and technologies for all students. The project also aimed to equip all schools with digital educational content by 2020. The e-library provides the educational process with digital educational resources available to all students.16

Second Language Instruction

Most schools provide instruction in Kazakh and Russian. There are mixed schools that provide instruction in two or three languages. Parents may choose the language of instruction for their children. Children of Kazakh nationality generally study in the Kazakh language, while children of different nationalities (e.g., Russians, Kazakhs, Uighurs, Uzbeks, Koreans) generally study in Russian.

In educational organizations that use language of instruction of the ethnic groups, the educational area Language and Literature further includes Native Language and Literature of the ethnic group. The solution to an issue of studying the language of a particular ethnic group is within the competence of Local Executive Bodies of Education. The subjects of native language (e.g., Uighur, Uzbek, Tajik) and literature (e.g., Uighur literature, Uzbek literature, Tajik literature) are included in the invariant component of the standard curriculum. The subject of literary reading also provides for the application of communicative approaches to the development of skills in four kinds of speech activity.

Exhibit 1 shows the distribution of students’ workload.

Exhibit 1: Distribution of Workload

Grade Hours Per Week Hours Per Year
2 2 68
3 2 68
4 2 68

The principles of the curriculum development for schools with Uzbek, Uighur, and Tajik as languages of instruction are identical to the principles of curriculum development for schools with the state and Russian languages of instruction.